Leather Handmade Goods Store Texas.
A leather dopp bag does the same job as a toiletry bag, dopp kit, and travel kit because these are all different names. Still, the personalized leather toiletry bags are designed to carry bathroom and cosmetic products.
But elegance alone is not enough to make a personalized leather dopp bag useful and practical. Such things can only be offered with extra features and high quality. To provide the high-quality everyone is searching for, our leather dopp bags are made of the most resilient and durable leather type, which is full-grain.
Compared to other leather types and materials, full-grain leather ensures that the women’s and men’s leather toiletry bag never loses any of its attributes for almost a lifetime. Full-grain is so unique that neither chemicals nor machines are involved in obtaining it from an animal’s hide.
The bags come with the features below to strengthen the quality of the leather toiletry bags and ensure that customers always stay satisfied.
- Mens Leather Toiletry Bag is completely handmade
- The leather bags are all made of full-grain real leather, which means, if cared for properly, there will be no need for a second bag.
- The zipper is of the YKK brand to ensure the zipper and the bag have similar lifespans.
- The leather toiletry bags can be personalized depending on the customers.
- Dark blue color.
LARGE SIZE: L: 8" x H: 4" x W: 4" inches
X-LARGE SIZE: L: 9.5” H: 4.5” W: 4.5” inches.